Thursday, June 26, 2008

the difference between soul food and slave food...

a new study released recently had a headline that stated "rates of circulatory woes in blacks still a puzzle."

some other sites linked to the article with the headline saying the "medical study says blacks still more likely to have problems with blood circulation and heart issues" and problems with their arteries etc etc.

now...i don't know what you believe or what you've heard but it's probably the same shit i've grown up hearing from older black people (and a few younger ones). but let me just clear the air with some truth... people are not more susceptible to heart disease or clogged arteries or circulatory issues. there is nothing in black people that makes us more likely to get these issues. the ONLY reason blacks are more likely to actually HAVE these problems is because of the shit we eat...period.

a lot of the "traditional" foods we eat are horrible for us and are things i don't think anyone was ever supposed to eat. there's a difference between soul food and slave food.

SOUL FOOD: traditional foods such as collard greens, fried chicken, black eyed peas and red beans & rice.

SLAVE FOOD: things slaves ate because they had no other choice or options such as pigs feet, chitterlings (chitlins), hog mogs (what the fuck is a hog mog?! does this shit even SOUND like something we should be eating? seriously)

see...both groups have been passed down generation to generation. and so to has heart disease, high blood pressure and clogged arteries. not because black people have weaknesses to these diseases but because we eat so much of the shit that CAUSES these things. it's like smoking...lets say that only chinese people smoked more than any other culture. would there be reports that say "chinese people still more likely to have cancer and lung disease...reasons behind the trend are still a puzzle."

no there wouldn't because people could connect the dots...cigarettes = lung cancer. but for some reason we've run around clueless and retarded like it's not that obvious with us. cooking everything you eat with fat back and salt pork and lard = high blood pressure and clogged arteries and diabetes. shit if anything the latter is an easier correlation to prove than the connection between smoking and lung disease. a people...can we stop with all this nonsense about black people being genetically prone to have these issues and start taking care of ourselves. eat better. be smarter. just because something was done in the past doesn't mean it's a good tradition. they hung us in the streets in the past. people thought the earth was flat in the past. women voting and black people reading were both unheard of in the past. just because someone used to believe or do something doesn't mean it was a good idea. a lot of the things some of us eat today our ancestors only ate because they had no choice. i honestly don't think anyone is supposed to eat some of the stuff we eat.

learn the difference between soul food and slave food and take care of yourself and stop believing and spreading this nonsense about "black people's health issues a mystery and a puzzle" because it's not.

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