Thursday, July 3, 2008

booty sweat? for real?

on a lighter note...

the new movie Tropic Thunder is going to be releasing an energy drink as part of the promotion for the film. it's not necessarily a real product but i guess since they'll be selling it for a while when the movie is out it is.'s an energy drink called "Booty Sweat."

not quite sure if it will taste like ass sweat (or what ass sweat even tastes like) but i'm sure people will be buying this. someone you know will be drinking this thinking it's funny. shit...i'm tempted to get it just to see what it actually tastes like but my anti-coonery ways won't allow me to. there's just certain shit i can't do. walking around as a young black man with a drink called booty sweat is one of them. (my mexican and chinese sides won't really allow it either).

but nonetheless...if you ever wished they would put sweat from the crack of someone's ass in a bottle so you didn't have to actually deal with the sweaty ass smell this drink is for you. all i keep thinking about is when rapist-molester ass R. Kelly has his face ear-deep in that girls ass in one of the videos. i'm sure he'll be buying this by the case if they carry it at Costco or Sam's Club since he obviously loves tossed salad with ass sweat dressing.

now...this may sound completely out of line and disgusting but...depending on whose ass it was i might take a sample from the source. lol. i know i know. completely disgusting but i'm saying...i'm just saying...if it was Alicia Keys' ass then not only would i sample it but i would try to get a job bottling it myself FOR HER. there are a few others i'd take that job for but i think i've said enough already.


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