Thursday, September 11, 2008

wtf?! vol. X...

ok...i'm really not sure how to categorize this one. i won't say too much so that people who watch it can make up their own minds. just check out the video. let me know what you think. leave a comment. is it real? is he serious? i have no idea but i'm keeping my thoughts to myself for now. i want to let the video speak for itself at this point.



Anonymous said...

I cant believe its not butter... WTF... I dont even know what to say...

Anonymous said... know I got something to say!!!
No pun intended.

I think its rather comical actually. This is the funny thing...if she gives birth, and the baby comes out with nappy hair, Levi aint gonna want to stick around for that! And the Ntl Enquirer will find out! And it will explode and boil over like mentos in a soda bottle! This is perciscly why I refuse to vote for her just cause she is a woman, which everyone knows is why McCain chose her. It really makes you wonder if he really did his homework on her and her family before they decided to ad her name to the ballot. I'm not so sure about that. I understand no ones life is perfect under the intense scrutiny of the public and opinionated people, issue is McCain is 72 years old. That mofo I doubt will survive the pressures of presidency for a full term...I dont wish him to die, I'm just saying he close to the ticket line...and Sarah, and her policies and abstract parenting aint gonna cut it as next in line for president. I really feel that the personality and personal life of the presidential and vice presidential candidate needs to be steady. Sarah clearly needs to be home with her family! They are having sex and drinking underage, toting guns, and who knows what else. She doesn't discipline her own kids, how in the fuck is she suppose to defend our country! I'm thinking, one of these neuclear power countries and going to set one off just to see her skirt blow up and get a look at them knickers!
Really...I aint voting for her or McCain. I hope people see that this was a ploy, and me made a folly doing that. Which also leads me to believe that if he made a bad decision in choosing his VP...he will be more than likely to make more poor decisions with our economy. I hope people see this and just vote for the right person. Its not about race, or gender...its about ethics and capability. Obama doesn't have a lot of experience, but he for damned sure "acts" to be capable of running a country...not to say that McCain can't but I only give him 1 term to live and then...we got SARAH and her downsyndrom son, slut daughter with a half black grandbaby.
God Bless Everyone...cause Lord knows, we need it.
Oh...and do you know anyone in Europe who is looking for a mail order bride, because if McCain does make it into office, I'ma need to make a move!